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Another unit in contract at the Washington

Unit A-4E, with an asking of $773,000 ($524 psf) is in contract at the Washington.

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At February 27, 2007 7:08 PM, Blogger ltjbukem said...

b-4h is gone too...looks like once people see the finished product, they speak for themselves...and i guess the past issues aren't scaring anyone off..

At March 05, 2007 7:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's a great building now. people who stayed in during the mess of scarano were smart. great neighborhood and solid construction. compare to the flimsy new project on pacific , design for living(?), though nice to look at, is not built out of bricks, stone, etc.. washington units are quiet and "old school".

At March 06, 2007 1:43 PM, Blogger Big Bald Man said...

Do you people smoke crack??? what are you talking about? 14 of the units in the building have plywood and concrete sections taking up there second floor!!!! What are you guys bragging about? I bet no one who was in contract on a duplex is happy. Oh, my fault. EVERY SINGLE ONE of those people got out of their contract, because they took away HALF of our apartments. So they aren't interested in commenting about how good everything is over at the Washington...what a bunch of bullshit!!
PS I was in contract on a duplex, i did get out of my contract and I am pissed at the whole situation...still, even after stealing a unit in Paulus Hook Jersey City for 150k less than the asking price

At March 06, 2007 6:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you'll get over it soon..but the fact that you're still coming here to check up on the rest of us proves that you've still got some therapy sessions left to go to.

At March 07, 2007 7:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good one FtGreen! By the way there were 30 units in contract and only seven people dropped out!! Your pissed you made the wrong decision considering prices were raised twice already, jackass!

At March 10, 2007 5:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

anonymous 7:48,

The Washington looks like mid-90s European social housing. The nasty yellow brick, the dark green aluminum, the dark kitchen countertops and cherry-colored cabinets. However there's no account for taste.

I'm happy the building has come to the neighborhood, though, however un-elegant it is.

I've looked around in both Washington and Pacific. Why would you call Pacific flimsy? Just because it's not made with materials people used in the 19th century (brick, stone) but concrete (20th century)?

For the record, the apartment I saw in the Washington had warped wooden floors, every square inch was warped. It's amazing people would try to sell that. I'm sure it's tied into the supposed leaking problem. So much for your 'solid' construction.


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