Unit B-4G is on the market at the Washington Condos - a 1,239 square foot 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom. Asking is $689K ($556 psf). Pictures of the unit are at right. Aguayo has the listing.
are you sure this is a resale? On the AH site it has the development disclaimer that this is not an offering, offering by prospectus only, etc. Makes it sound like it's from the sponsor.
Is this still on the market? Any update on current asking price? From what I read, this isn't one of those units that had the problematic mezzanine, is that right?
are you sure this is a resale? On the AH site it has the development disclaimer that this is not an offering, offering by prospectus only, etc. Makes it sound like it's from the sponsor.
i think so. on the nyt site, it specifically states B4G.
Definitely a resale. Currently working with a A&H broker who said that was a resale.
did they say why they're selling so fast?
Yea they did tell me. Have you seen that movie with Vince Vaughn and Jennifer Anniston?
no, what about that movie? is it the answer to why they're selling quickly?
Is this still on the market? Any update on current asking price? From what I read, this isn't one of those units that had the problematic mezzanine, is that right?
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