Caveat emptor at Pro-Cro Heights condos now on sale

Today's corcoran site lists 7 units, with some less-than-stellar layouts. In fact, the floorplans deserve a second look, as the 'advertised' bedrooms may have lot-line windows which can very well be covered.
The floorplans label these bedrooms as either 'mechanical' or 'storage'
The largest unit listed on the site is an 1,198 square foot 1 bedroom, 1 bath for $640K and $350 in monthly charges.
For those desperate to buy a condo now, you may very well get a great deal (but why here??) if you're ready to wheel and deal when you step into Adam Pacelli's office.
So bring in this post to Adam and mention why they're mentioned as mechanical or storage rooms. Then submit your lowball offer and go home happy thinking you've gotten yourself a deal.
Even the 1 bedroom units don't show a bedroom in the floorplan? Some real estate hijinks being perpetrated by corcoran, perhaps??
these floorplans do look a little funky. On the plus side, the ppsf is on the low end compared to what else is out there. Most of these units are around $530/ft.
the ppsf is low compared to all other places, because this end of prospect heights (arguably crown heights) is the lowest priced of all of brownstone brooklyn...
so it very well should be priced at the lowest compared to all other nabes, but $530psf it does not deserve!
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