set speed aka


Voting conundrum in Ft. Greene

It turns out Set Speed was not zoned to vote at the school on Adelphi between Dekalb and Lafayette, but on Adelphi between Dekalb and Willoughby. This meant that we didn't get to vote on Batson vs Jeffries. On our walk over to PS 20 at Adelphi and Willoughby, we noticed a stark difference in atmosphere.

There was a hotbed of activity at Adelphi Prime (between Dekalb and Lafayette) - there were people handing out flyers for their favorites, while Adelphi Fringe was easy to miss. There were photocpied 'VOTE HERE' arrows pointing the way and when we got there, the gym was completely empty. Could this be the result of voter indifference in the Fringe Fort Greene areas? Most likely.


At September 13, 2006 12:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Voter turnout was extremely low city wide. I voted at Brooklyn Tech right after work and there were less than 15 people voting. It's ironic because the Democratic party is so powerful here that the primary is more important than the general election, but most of my friends had no idea who was running, and were leaving it up to the rest of us to decide which democrat they will vote for in Nov. Final outcomes along with pitiful vote totals here:

At March 30, 2009 11:41 AM, Anonymous Nike Air Force One said...



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