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Corner units at the Washington drop in price

Unit 2C, blocked by the AVAILABLE METRO sign has dropped $40K in price, from $739K to $699K.

It's probably due to being so close to the street that passersby can look right into your kitchen/dining area.

The other corner units have also dropped though not by $40K.

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At August 08, 2007 9:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's with A&H claiming 97% sold yet showing that 5 units are still available? Is this a typo that they conveniently forgot to correct? It's been up there for a long time now, it makes them look shady and unprofessional.

At August 08, 2007 11:22 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

[deadpan]They must have added over 100 units to the building, perhaps comprised entirely of 'mezzanines' (to avoid FAR problems)... that's the only way 5 units can equal 3% of the total.

At August 08, 2007 11:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So then saying 95% sold would be accurate? I guess that 2% makes them shady? I can't imagine any broker that would have stuck through all the BS this building went through and in a very profesional manner to boot! I am biased though, being that I live in the building and they were absolutely amazing during our twilight ordeal. It was worth it though we really love it here. We did hear an interesting rumor that a gourmet market was opening up on Washington and had an idea it might be in the commercial space on the first floor but nothing has been corroborated.

At August 09, 2007 6:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

no, 95% wouldn't be accurate. 69% or 85% would be more accurate depending on mzz units..

At August 09, 2007 9:24 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

No, 95% is not accurate at all. I was being sarcastic about the additional 100 units, obviously. 6:58 is right - the % sold is actually around 70% based on the total units.


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