Stakes are high at this Clinton Avenue coop

From the pictures, this well-kept 1200 square foot 2 bedroom unit with asking of $765K looks very spacious (especially with the 11-foot ceilings), but paying over $600 psf and having only one bathroom would just make it a difficult buy. The problem is that sometimes, after certain meals, you just want that little bit of privacy by sneaking into the "backup" bathroom and *destroying* it.
Labels: clinton hill, coops
Well, the price is right for the square footage... but I have to agree: 2 baths (or at least 1.5) is crucial in a 2br or more apartment. It would definitely be a dealbreaker for me, especially since you can get a 2br/2ba apartment of comparable size for the price in the area.
This is a block south from the Clinton Hill Coops, in a much smaller building.
This is NOT in the CH Co-ops. Look at the last photo which is the exterior shot. CH Co-ops don't allow W/D nor do any of them have 11ft ceilings.
that's a huge W-I-C, though..i imagine elfa-ing that closet would cost about $1500 in materials alone...
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