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536 Carlton illegal addition

A concerned reader sends us pictures of an illegal rear addition being added at 536 Carlton Avenue.

The zoning being used is R6, although the proper zoning for the block is R6B. The reader surmises that the builder knows the block's inhabitants probably do not have money to hire a lawyer to fight this.


At November 21, 2006 8:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

the concerned citizen is wrong. this project was conceived by up an up columbia university professors/architects and filed with the city. no problems here. In fact, the architecture of the building is a credit to the neighborhood compared to typical "Fedders" construction.

At November 22, 2006 12:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just because they are filed with the city doesn't make them legal. This on my corner right next to the newswalk building and your friend the architect Joel was very creative in the way he worded the scope of work. Your friends Joel and his partner Sal (who sold out to Ratner and then became his mole at 475 Dean) are trying to get a fire hydrant moved illegally and add a curb cut so they can park their cars under this addition and lose a couple of parking spots on a block which needs the spaces. This addition is also built smack up against the neighbors yard and is destroying the open space and sunlight of the neighbors next door. Instead of leaving a nice backyard they built out the full propoerty line to get this outdoor garage space. The balconies on the front of the building also are illegal but the DOB just blew us off. In fact at a meeting with Tish James and the concerned neighbor the brooklyn DOB commisioner talked down to them like they didn't know what they were talking about. I'm forwarding this link to her so she can comment more on the real facts.

At November 22, 2006 1:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

the entire rear of building is illegal as they do not have the FLOOR AREA to do it. The top so called DORMER is not allowed in Quality Housing R6B. Parking is not allowed either as the lot is too narrow. On Dean St side at 40ft high a 15ft set back is required, only a bulkhead is allowed.
DOB is allowing this we wonder why???
All other in this block are in compliance how come this one is not???

At November 29, 2006 2:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We have recieved multiple complaints but the comissioner in charge told us that its all been taking care of in court months ago. Unless they use fascade materials not stipulated in the addendum you can start getting used to the new extension. Ive seen the plans, its quite innovative and i (and many others in my dept.) would do the same if given the chance. Kudos and good luck.


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