The Washington gets its temporary C of O?

The .pdf is here and is pictured at left.
Check out the 2nd page on permissible use and occupancy. The 5th floor shows only 10 habitable rooms, ie the mezzanines are now defacto storage spaces.
For Hanson Place and beyond, Elliman offers a variety of Brooklyn apartments for sale.
the whole place is a total mess. there's major water leaks in the units coming from the roof; sheet rock ripped out in ceiling because of the leaks; unfinished walls around doorways going to balconies (because of leaks?) floors are starting to warp; the biggest joke is how the mezzanine units were dealt with. the developer covered them with two foot high plywood platforms
hastily put together with sheet rock screws and then also covered over the bathrooms as though there no longer there. it's pathetic and painful to see. is he going to get away with this at the DOB?
Can we get pictures of the damage as I was thinking of buying.
you'd have to be nuts to buy. call up the agency and tell them your interested in buying and let them take you through.
EMAIL if you want more.
Then don't buy and don't move in---for those that are sane---all is repairable
buy and have the C of O taken away (just like the Spencer) when the DOB finds out the developer lied about getting rid of square footage. You may be sane but you won't be able to resell or refinance.
Good luck genius.
A word of advice. Do NOT listen to the half truths spewing from the mouth of anyone on this blog. Go see for yourself, the construction is fine the C of O will not be taken away and if you buy you will be sitting on an investment that is almost guaranteed to appreciate in value.
i agree. there are some bitter folks out there.
graham condos are selling for $700 psf, folks. run and get these quick!
what half truths? the mezzanines were covered over with two foot high construction grade plywood and then sheet rock screwed together and they look like shit. the walls were covered over to "hide" bathrooms. tell me that the DOB will accept that as reducing the actual square footage. the developer tells his agents to say to "rip out" the balcony plywood after you close on the units. that's the whole truth. The real TRUTH is that the developer's response to his own scheming is to scheme some more and try to put a new scam over on buyers and the DOB and the buyers will get really f--ked down the road when the TRUTH comes out.
the bldg got its temp c of o. apparently the dob saw it, approved and gave them the go-ahead...
that's bull. the DOB never saw the mezzanines for a fact.
why are you pushing this project? i thought you got out??
this is a blog about real estate and condos. who cares who's in contract/not in contract?
now thanks for reading!!!
it matters as to your intentions
Ummm, the DOB HAS seen the changes!! They were involved in the entire process!! This has happend to all of Robert Scarano's projects that had mezzanines. You should be more responsible with what you "think" you know!
my intentions are to put the word out. have you seen me closing the comments section on this?
Thanks for the update:
I guess as a law abiding citizen who cares about the well being of fellow citizens I need to protect them for themselves and stop them for doing lawless stuff to their apartment.
I already put a mark in my calendar to notify the DOB to check out the mezzanine spaces in Aug 2008.
Have fun!!
PS: I don't ever or will be in contract at the Washington...
dude you sound very vindictive. you were once in contract on the mezzanines huh?
thank you for being so law abiding. you make the world a better place to live in.
F--K all of you. Go out and get jobs and produce something for society instead of leaching off your relatives and trust funds.
Those who dropped out---too bad---very bitter---lost out on a wonderful opportunity---will see ya when we close and enjoy nice condo, good location and near the nets basketball....get on with life and learn from your bitter and stupid decision.
patience is a virtue which will be rewarded---you didn't have it and now can sufer!!!!!
For the person who said "all is repairable" - sure, that's true, but better make sure those repairs aren't on your dime. Go through those apartments with a fine-tooth comb during inspections and ask for price reductions if ANYTHING on your punch list isn't complete as of closing.
tco's will not be renewed, dob order, until list of issues complied with. go to dob site.
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