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While you were enjoying the weather and drinking this weekend...

there was an uproar on the dailyheights blog as Forest City Ratner announced plans to pass via osmosis his plans to develop in Prospect Heights into Park Slope...Before, the not-as-affluent, decidedly less-tony (in general) Prospect Heights and its' political constituents were in an uproar over the entire Atlantic Yards deal. Now, it will be quite interesting to see what happens now that news of Park Slope real-estate-imperialism makes its way thru the grapevine.

Stay tuned..


At June 06, 2005 11:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't get why everyone is in an uproar about this. The two additional buildings he wants to include are currently ugly square concrete boxes that are home to two retailers.

It's not like he's trying to redevelop an apt. building or low income housing.

No one is negatively impacted if these buildings are redeveloped other than maybe the retailers.

If the concern is over the height of the proposed hotel, then people should speak about that but this new announcement just seems like foder for people to restate the same old comments about houses being lost, etc.

At June 07, 2005 2:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are right. its about the height and bulk. its about the greediness, why not build his arena over his property, Atlantic Center Mall. Its about the inappropriate scale. the unsustainable scale. its about the destruction of a community garden. its about insane, unchecked development.


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