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970 Kent listing on Aguayo & Huebener

Aguayo & Huebener has a listing for a 2 bedroom, 2 bath unit at 970 Kent for $515K. This is the second listing we've seen in a week for a resale at the Kent. The sellers/investors must not be looking for nor expecting a large windfall from these resales, judging from the asking price.

OPEN HOUSESUNDAY 2 - 4970 KENT AVE (DeKalb / Willoughby)The Kent Condos Sleek 2BR/2Bth,12"ceils,SOHO finishes light & more light! 24 hr DRman,yard w/running track, gym, all new . . $515,000Call 718 622-9300 to see #C-970RE-mail:


At April 06, 2006 3:03 PM, Blogger ltjbukem said...

please view this blog in firefox for best results. it looks ugly on explorer.

what do you view it on? thanks,

At April 06, 2006 4:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that after 2 years of waiting, some buyers found other places and rather than default on their purchase contracts, closed on them and flipped the units. They're still making money. For example this unit probably was initially in contract for 375,000.


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