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Ft. Greene association - Atlantic Yards meeting

Usual suspects in attendance held in the Lafayette Presbyterian Church during a classic winter nor'easter-- Laetitia James, Marie Louis of BUILD, various neighborhood personalities like the woman who owns Jive Turkey on Myrtle, Luckwell from Yu Interiors on Fulton, some public planners who dabble in academia. Forest City Ratner's Stuckey initially agreed to attend, but pulled out two weeks ago. No surprise there.

Each of the 9 panel members were given 5 minutes to give their stance on the project, then a question and answer session where each person had 15 seconds to ask and each member had 30 seconds to answer. Needless to say, they went overboard and the moderator wasn't effective enough.

The BUILD panel member really got hammered by the questions. Seemed to me that not many people like her in the community-- so much so that her name was omitted from the list of panel members at the develop don't destroy site.

The now famous Dan Goldstein chimed in at the end saying among other things that BUILD did not represent a unified community voice in their Community Benefits Agreement.


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